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ZSVG_Graph 1.1.0 Released

Pie Graph added!

Quick Start

  • Live Demo
  • Download
  • Install - unzip and import zsvg_graph_site.zexp file into your Zope instance, click "view" or invoke its URL

Dynamic Generation of User-customizable Graphs, Charts, Diagrams

The OIO Project has had a Reporting module for at least 2 years. Many users have mentioned it would be nice if the OIO system can generate graphs from the data. Furthermore, with the addition of Workflows module, it would be helpful if the software can display diagramatic representations of the workflow.

The only graph making toolkit (that I know of) for Zope (which is what OIO runs on) has been ZGDChart. ZGDChart is quite nice but it generates an image file output. This limits interactivity after the graph or chart has been downloaded to the web-browser. It also does not draw diagrams.

When we first considered using SVG, the only browser plug-in was from Adobe. Now that Mozilla offers adequate SVG-rendering capabilities out-of-the-box, the time has come to begin using SVG in OIO.


SVG is quite easy to use but requires a graph-making API to really make it into a convenient graphing toolkit. So, this is what I have cobbled together - a very limited beginning but already quite useful for our needs. Since ZSVG_Graph may be useful even without the rest of the OIO system, I decided to release it as a stand-alone product after initially including it in the OIO snapshot release on August 15, 2003.

  • Just like the OIO software, ZSVG_Graph is being distributed under the terms of the GPL: Gnu General Public License.
  • We started with "2D horizontal bar graph", "2D horizontal line graph", and "2D pie graph". If you are able to come up with other graph_style(s), we will gladly add your graph_style to the library. :-)
  • Please play with ZSVG_Graph hosted on our server by clicking the Demo link above. If you think it is promising, download and use it. If you know of something that works better, please send me an email with your suggestion. You can reach me at the email address below or through the open-outcomes-general mailing list.

About Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)

Briefly, SVG is a W3C "recommendation" (=standard) for describing graphics in XML. Recent Mozilla web-browser releases directly support rendering of SVG graphics in the web-browser without need to install any browser Plug-in. For other browsers, Plug-in [Adobe] is available for those using Microsoft and Mac OS. KDE Konqueror [KSVG] also should have SVG rendering capability in the near future.

Honors and Awards

  • 2003/9/25 - received grant from LinuxFund to support travel to conferences.